(8/23/2009) Yoke Paramita Djati Waluj, which comes from the island of Bali, has won the "Miss Bikini" contest title in the 2009 Miss Tourism Queen International held in Xinyang, China. So far, so good. But according to the Bali Tourism Authority and as reported by detik.com, is nothing more than a little confusion about the winner, the contest came in and secured the honor of their island. Ida Bagus Subhisku, the Chief of Bali Tourism (KADIPARDA) detik.com said: "We have never heard a report of an agent, organization or individual in connection with the bikini contest in China. And we have never given our recommendation for this contest. " Admit more than a little confusion, Subhisku told reporters that his office recently held tourism promotions in 3 cities in China, which explains "in this program, only presented the Balinese dance and cultural shows I do not know if any of our citizens have followed a bikini contest in China. " The head of the Bureau of Culture of Bali, Ida Bagus Sedawa, also claimed to know nothing of the bikini contest. Until recently, Indonesia decided not to participate in international beauty contests, event viewing, such as degrading to young women. And, while participants from Indonesia slowly begin to compete in these events, many elements of Indonesian society still has strong objections to Indonesian girls that appear in swimsuit competitions. Whether or not their participation in the contest received an official endorsement, Xinhua News Agency confirmed that the curvaceous Miss defeated Waluj 120 youth from around the world to be chosen as the best in bikini at the contest organized on August 17, 2009 in Henan Province, China. According to reports, the contest has been held annually since 1949, organized on a rotating basis by different countries. By winning the "bikini contest" Miss Waluj overcame a Russian contestant, who finished in second place, followed by another beauty from Ukraine.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
In Bali in two pieces Miss Bikini 'Bali Girl Djati Waluj wins' Miss Tourism Queen International contest in China.
4:31 AM